Why an enhanced membership?
As a member you will receive:
- Collective promotion of events and programs.
- Coordinated and enhanced training opportunities.
- Opportunity to get involved in a number of challenging, exciting and fun activities.
- Assurance that you are helping to support your community as lifelong participants in accessible, safe and equitable sport.
Allies are groups such as local church groups, local legions or community associations that do not have sport as their driving purpose, however might be involved in sport activities and outings.
Who’s involved? People like you; athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport to be a positive experience. Apply for membership by completing a membership application form. You must be 18 years of age or older.
A paid membership that allows for all businesses that provide services, equipment or supplies to the local sports sector and will be included in the Sport Orillia directory.
Other Supporting Groups
Local Sport Organizations, Clubs and Associations – General
This includes sport on the local level and might include municipal leagues, community centre-based organizations, private clubs or teams. In all cases, the role of this organization is to provide structured coaching, officiating, training and competition for athletes.
Local Sport Organizations, Clubs and Associations – Enhanced
This membership includes enhanced website listing and Sport Orillia will promote your events and news.